Thursday, April 14, 2011

Disc Golf - Schenectady Central Park

Today I returned to Schenectady's Central Park and its disc golf course. It's great to have this course only 5 minutes from home, and it only takes about an hour to play 18 "holes", so I can see myself possibly doing a lot more of this. Today, I played the back 9 first, because of a couple of other players just starting out on #1, and did not do well. Nine holes later, back on #1, I decided to try the sidearm throw that I've been afraid to try in these woods, and surprised myself. I've never really used that method, so expected the worst as I figured it out. But today it flew farther and straighter than my backhand, and I scored much better than ever before. The next time out should be a lot more fun.

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