Friday, November 7, 2008

Walk - Featherstonehaugh State Forest

A relatively warm, damp day, not much good for anything but a walk somewhere. I decided to head to Featherstonehaugh SF to see what kind of shape the XC ski trails were in after a windy summer. Lots of trees down, and very wet as usual when not frozen over, but it was still an interesting walk. NYSDEC has closed on a timber sale from the forest, and that logging will begin once the ground freezes. Skiing and snowshoeing in there this winter may not be a great idea, either in terms of safety or aesthetics, but that's what multiple-use forestry is all about. At least it doesn't look like a clear-cut is planned, since many trees within the sale area were individually marked with various different types of symbols. Hopefully the contractor won't leave too much of a mess.

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