Saturday, August 15, 2009

Canoeing, Swimming - Lake Champlain

Another hot summer day, and yet another visit to another friend's camp on another lake. That makes #5 for this year - not bad! Bill and Nancy have a camp on an island on Bulwagga Bay, in southern Lake Champlain. The only access is by boat, but they told us to bring our canoe and we could do some paddling. Holly and I arrived at the marina, loaded the canoe onto their deck boat, and motored the 2 miles to their camp. After a great lunch, we did some paddling to a stony beach a ways up the lake. This bay is pretty weed-choked, but the beach wasn't quite as bad.

When we got back to the camp, we took the deck boat out to some deeper water beyond the weeds and swam off the boat. Great way to spend a summer day!

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